Yet Another Killer Product
Web Portal System
Last modified on Saturday, September 21 2024 - 13:55:03

This plugin is used to display an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed.

This alllows you to broadcast news from other sites.

Usage :


Parameters between [ & ] are optional ( [ & ] are not part of the plugin syntax... )
You can use several parameters.

Parameters List:

Paramètre Valeur par défaut Description



Mandatory: The adress of the RSS feed.




Maximum item number to retrieve.



Maximum item number per RSS feed to retrieve.
(see advance use)



%d/%m %H:%M

strftime format string (see php doc).



In most of RSS feeds, items are already sorted by date.
If you want to force a sort, simply use 1 as value...




Gabarit de l'en-tête du flux RSS.
(ignoré lorsqu'on précise un paramètre type, et que celui-ci est différent de html
cf utilisation avancée)


   <td valign="top" nowrap>
         <a href="%url%" target="_blank">%title%</a>

RSS feed item template

(the default value differs when the type parameter is used, and its value is not html
see advanced use)



RSS feed footing template
(ignored when the type parameter is used, and its value is not html
see advanced use)




Delay (in minutes), before asking again infos to server



Advanced Use :

  • You can specify the url parameter more than once with different addresses.
    This will allow you to make RSS feed agregation.
    You will find the date_sort parameter usefull in that case...

  • The url parameter can be used with the following syntax:
    the | character is used as a field delimiter.
    • The 1st field is the standard RSS feed url.
    • The 2nd field is a text label which will replace, in the  %which% variable, the value retrieved from the RSS feed.
    • The 3rd field is the name of an image (already loaded in the site) which will replace, in the  %which_image% variable, the value retrieved from the RSS feed. 
  • List of  variables that can be used in the template_item parameter:
    • %date% the item date retrieved from the RSS feed (if exists in the RSS feed)
    • %url%    a link retrieved from the RSS feed (it can be a link to the item, or to the site, according to the RSS feed)
    • %title%  The item title (if exists in the RSS feed)
    • %description% The item description (if exists in the RSS feed)
    • %which% name of the  RSS feed
    • %which_image% image of the RSS feed (if exists in the RSS feed)
      •  %br_which_image% value of  %which_image%, with the 
        tag prefix, if value is not empty.
      •  %which_image_br% value of  %which_image%, with the 
        tag suffix, if value is not empty.
    • %image%
      •  %br_image% value of %image%, with the 
        tag prefix, if value is not empty.
      • %image_br% value of  %%mage%, with the 
        tag suffix, if value is not empty.

 More, you can use the following parameters ( extract of the last_news plugin):


Paramètre Valeur par défaut Description



Possible values are :

  • html : Default behaviour where html code is generated, with no scrolling.
  • marquee : The scrolling is done in javascript if the navigator is compatible, otherwise the html <marquee> tag is used.
  • slideshow : The scrolling is done in javascript if the navigator is compatible, otherwise the html <marquee> tag is used..
  • marquee_tag : <marquee> tag is used.
disable_pause_on_cursor 0 use 1 to disable the pause when the mouse pointer is over the plugin area.
width   Width (in pixel).
height   Height (in pixel).
orientation vertical horizontal or vertical.



When the type parameter is slideshow,
the default value of the template_item is :

<a title="%description%" target="_blank" href="%url%">%image_br%%date% %title%</a>

When the type parameter is  marquee or marquee_tag ,
the default value of the template_item is  :

<a title="%description%" target="_blank" href="%url%">%date% %title%</a>


Extra Parameter List
When type parameter value is equal to marquee or marquee_tag :


Following parameters are valid only if the page is displayed using
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.5 or later :

Parameter Default Value Description
transition_type random | character delimited Transition List .
an empty list means that all transitions are used with their default parameters.

Transition Syntax:

Example :
GradientWipe;GradientSize=.50, wipeStyle=1, motion='reverse',duration=3|Slide;slideStyle='PUSH', bands=1

Following transition type are available:
Barn Blinds CheckBoard Fade GradientWipe Inset Iris Pixelate RadialWipe RandomBars RandomDissolve Slide Spiral Stretch Strips Wheel Zigzag
See Microsoft DirectX Transitions

By using the play pseudo transitio as the first one, transitions will be played in sequence instead of randomly.
transition_duration 1 Number of seconds.



Parameter Default Value Description
scrollamount 2 Number of scroll pixels.
scrolldelay 20 Number of milliseconds between each scroll.

Extra Parameter List
When type parameter value is equal to slideshow:


Parameter Default Value Description
pause_delay 7 Number of seconds to wait before displaying the next news.


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