Yet Another Killer Product
Web Portal System
Last modified on Saturday, September 21 2024 - 13:55:03

This plugin is used to display a Table of Contents (optionally of a given topic), of your Pages.

Many parameters help you customize the look and feel.

Usage :

Parameters between [ & ] are optional ( [ & ] are not part of the plugin syntax... )
You can use several parameters.

Parameters List:

Parameter Default Value Description
topic No restriction on the topic Only if the Page belong to the given topic.
show_subtree The whole tree is displayed. Possible values are: children, siblings, and parent.
show_subtree_of The current page identifier is used. You can specify a page identifier.

The following parameters use default values,
that you can define in the Graphical Theme!
The default values that are given here are used when no Theme is defined!
type html Possible values are: html, html_css,vertical_menu,horizontal_menu.
For menu type values, a menu is generated if the browser is ccs & javascript compatible.
show_selected_parents_as_selected 0 whole selected item parent tree is displayed as selected.
show_tooltip_instead_of_title 0 Tooltip is displayed instead of the title.
show_text_only 0 Text is displayed, even if an image exists.
html_menu_user_style   you can use a user defined css style for an html type menu.
Extra Parameter List When type parameter has a menu type value!
menu_item_separator_width   Menu Item Separator Width
menu_item_separator_color   Menu Item Separator Color
menu_item_separator_style   Menu Item Separator Style. Possible values are:
dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset
menu_item_pre_html Html code to insert before each menu element.
menu_item_post_html Html code to insert after each menu element.
menu_font_familly   Menu Item Font Familly
menu_font_size   Menu Item Font Size
menu_font_weight   Menu Item Font Weight. Possible values are:
lighter normal bold bolder
menu_text_color   Menu Item Text Color
menu_bg_color   Menu Item Background Color
menu_text_decoration   Menu Item Text Decoration. Possible values are:
none underline overline line-through and the underline overline combination.
menu_hover_font_familly   Menu Item Hover Font Familly
menu_hover_font_size   Menu Item Hover Font Size
menu_hover_font_weight   Menu Item Hover Font Weight. Possible values are:
lighter normal bold bolder
menu_hover_color   Menu Item Hover Text Color
menu_hover_bg_color   Menu Item Hover Background Color
menu_hover_decoration   Menu Item Hover Decoration. Possible values are:
none underline overline line-through and the underline overline combination.
submenu_width 150px Submenu Width
submenu_border_width   Submenu Border Width
submenu_border_color   Submenu Border Color
submenu_margin 0px Submenu Margin
submenu_padding 0px Submenu Padding
submenu_top_offset 0px Submenu Top Offset
submenu_left_offset   Submenu Left Offset
submenu_vertical_arrow_indicator 1 Display (or not) the Vertical Submenu Indicator
submenu_vertical_arrow_vspace 4 Vertical Submenu Indicator Vertical Offset
submenu_horizontal_arrow_indicator 1 Display (or not) the HorizontalSubmenu Indicator
submenu_horizontal_arrow_vspace 4 Horizontal Submenu Indicator Vertical Offset
submenu_item_separator_width   Submenu Item Separator Width
submenu_item_separator_color   Submenu Item Separator Color
submenu_item_separator_style   Submenu Item Separator Style. Possible values are:
dotted dashed solid double groove ridge inset outset
submenu_item_pre_html Html code to insert before each submenu element.
submenu_item_post_html Html code to insert after each submenu element.
submenu_font_familly   Submenu Item Font Familly
submenu_font_size   Submenu Item Font Size
submenu_font_weight   Submenu Item Font Weight. Possible values are:
lighter normal bold bolder
submenu_text_color   Submenu Item Text Color
submenu_bg_color #ffffcc Submenu Item Background Color. Set to none to not define colors.
submenu_text_decoration none Submenu Item Text Decoration. Possible values are:
none underline overline line-through and the underline overline combination.
submenu_hover_font_familly   Submenu Item Hover Font Familly
submenu_hover_font_size   Submenu Item Hover Font Size
submenu_hover_font_weight   Submenu Item Hover Font Weight. Possible values are:
lighter normal bold bolder
submenu_hover_color   Submenu Item Hover Text Color
submenu_hover_bg_color   Submenu Item Hover Background Color
submenu_hover_decoration   Submenu Item Hover Decoration. Possible values are:
none underline overline line-through and the underline overline combination.
Extra Parameter List When type parameter has the horizontal_menu value!
menu_width 80 First Level Menus Width (Menu Bar elements)
menu_cnt 15 Maximum Number of First Level Menus (Menu Bar elements)
menu_width_i menu_width value Width of the Fisrt Level Menu Number i (Menu Bar element number i)

Usage Example:
<plugin> display_table_of_contents


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