Yet Another Killer Product
Web Portal System
Last modified on Saturday, September 21 2024 - 13:55:03

If you whish to host the product yourself, or to choose by yourself a web hosting service provider, you must ensure that the hosting has the following required features:

An up to date linux box with apache+php+mysql:


  Required Configuration
mysql >= 5.5
php >= 5.3


MySql Configuration  (my.cnf):

collation_server	    = utf8_unicode_ci
character_set_server	= utf8

# size must be larger than your images or resources
max_allowed_packet      = 16M           

Php Configuration (php.ini):

magic_quotes_gpc = Off
  • following php modules installed :
    • PDO:mysql
    • mysqli (setup and some specific functionalities)
    • gd
    • calendar
    • xml (expat) (if the display_rss plugin is needed)
    • php.ini configured (or configurable by .htaccess for example) (or having enough rights to programatically modify it at runtime) with:
      • memory_limit = BIG!   2*DB max size is needed for the integreted backup function!
      • post_max_size = BIG! 2* max image or resource size + form data size is needed!
      • upload_max_filesize = BIG! 2* max image or resource size !
      • all php function are required (even system(), fopen(url), mail() …) with acces with the linux binaries:
        • tar
        • mysql
        • find
        • touch
        • mv
        • rm

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